+353 (0)21 431 1432 | info@greyhound-express.com | Cork
Greyhound Express Freight Ltd. supports its quality policy in a set of guidelines and general objectives, which the company recognizes as fundamental pillars of its organizational structure. The company understands that customer satisfaction is the basic principle for business success and continuous improvement. Greyhound Express actively seeks customer feedback to help us achieve this goal.
The company recognizes that the maintenance of our quality standard is the responsibility of all employees.
Greyhound Express adopts the following principles to support their commitment to quality:
Customers: Communicating frequently with our customers to fully understand their needs and reduce customer complaints by ensuring quality services are delivered to our customers.
Employees: Upskilling our workforce to ensure job satisfaction and a job well done through continuous training of staff.
Shareholders: Look out for the best interest of the company, help it achieve a competitive position in the market and maintain a profitable operation for the economic benefit of our shareholders, considering the principles of corporate governance.
Suppliers: Maintain a good relationship with suppliers who assume quality commitments for their services.
Compliance: Ensure compliance with all applicable regulatory, legislative, corporate, and other requirements to which the company subscribes.
Continual Improvement: Timely close out of any issues by quickly identifying root causes and implementing the necessary corrective actions. Focus our efforts on activities that add value perceived by the customer, in order to increase their level of loyalty, continuously evaluating the results with customers
The above principles are understood by all employees to continue to drive a strong quality culture at all levels of our organisation. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure continuing suitability to Greyhound Express Freight, Ltd. and the ISO 9001 standard